Raccoon Lore From My Youngest
youngest son: Hey Mom, guess what?
Me: What?
youngest son: Raccoons don’t have saliva!
Me: Huh? Are you sure about that?
youngest son: Yes.
Me: Hmmm. Really?
youngest son: Yes, dey don’t have saliva..so do you know what dey do?
Me: I have no idea.
youngest son: Well, dey put water on deir food.
Me: And why do they do that?
youngest son: Well, dey put the water on deir food to make it wetter so dat it’ll sliver down deir froats.
And there you have it. Of course, he’s wrong. This is just a myth about raccoons who do, in fact, have salivary glands. I just wanted to blog the conversation so that I’d remember it. I need to get video of him telling me this with the hand motions — it’s hilarious.
“So dat it’ll sliver down deir froats..” What a hoot.