annie blog

You Say Niagara Fall…..


You Say Niagara Fall…..
My 3rd son is really into Spider-Man right now. And, among other things, do you know what this means?

One liners. A bit of sportive name calling. I try to discourage it, but sometimes he does it anyway.

So, tonight, my 2nd son told me that 3rd had called him a name. He told me this because the whole exchange was hilarious to him and he wanted to share. Bless him.

Their conversation went something like this. Now, I have no idea why 3rd called 2nd a name, but really, how much reason do two brothers need?

3rd: You’re a Niagara Fall.
2nd: Huh?! What did you call me?
3rd: A Niagara Fall, I said.
2nd: Dude, I think that you mean Neanderthal not Niagara Fall.
3rd: Oh.


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