annie blog

A Trip to Sam’s…


A Trip to Sam’s…
can be so very interesting. On Friday, I took my oldest and youngest sons with me on several errands. The last stop on our list was Sam’s. And, even though we had been having a pleasant and uneventful day with errands so far, I was only cautiously optimistic. After all, my oldest was off of his meds. And when he is off his meds the barrier between what he is thinking and what he will say is very faint — if it is there at all. Much to my surprise, it went fine. And, all except for one close call when I had to get J away from a very interesting looking biker-dude before he could remark about his tatoos and one brief moment when J was doing some interpretive dancing in the middle of the produce department we were having what was, for us, a unremarkable trip.

We checked out and were heading for the door when we had to stop for the employee at the door to check our receipt against the purchases in our cart. Now, I had never seen this employee before. He was named — and I’m not making this up — Talon. And the visage that went with this name was pretty impressive. He definitely looked like he could hold his own in any scuffle. He had just finished counting the things in my cart and handed me my receipt when he turned around and came face to face with J, who was very interested in Talon. J half-whispered, “Hey, Talon, are you………..tough?” Talon smiled really big and replied, “Not really, no.”

And I laughed all the way to the van.


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