Farewells and Rock and Roll
So, last Friday, Jon and I brought home a new (to us) couch. It was a steal that I found on Craigslist. It was actually a little old lady’s couch. As far as I can determine, she either weighed 80 pounds or never sat on the thing because it looks very new. Which is great for us, since you know, things get used around here. It is green velvet — dark green — which we’ve decided is not us but fine, anyway. Here is a pic:
The whole reason I’m telling y’all this is that we put our old, truly broken down couch on the curb this morning. Cue the sobbing from E. He was upset when we brought the new couch home last week, hugging the old couch and singing it sad songs, but he eventually dried his tears and I made the mistake of thinking that the sorrow had come to an end. So, we took pictures of him on the curbed couch this morning and then we left for school.
As we rode to school I was hoping that he would get it together after waving the couch a tearful goodbye. It occurred to me that music might help. “Hey, E,” I said, “do you want to listen to some music?” He did. I just turned on what was in there, “Back in Black” from AC/DC that I have on loan from the library.
E listened to the beginning of the song and then sighed deeply and said, “Ahhhh, classic rock.”
All the tears were over. Thank you, Angus and all. I owe you one.
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