In Praise of Outerwear
In the summer months, it is hard to look respectable without actually putting forth the effort. That is why I love late fall and winter. In like 2 minutes, you can go from looking like you just rolled out of bed to looking like you took some time and put some energy into looking good. Pants + shoes + lipgloss + sunglasses + coat + hat = looking good despite the fact that the pj shirt is still on and the hair hasn’t been fixed. Of course, the outerwear has to stay on or the whole image is shattered. That is what I found one day last spring when I slipped and did a magnificent flop onto a muddy yard (trust me, if anyone was watching they had quite a laugh) but couldn’t take off the muddy coat because I was minus a feminine undergarment and respectable shirt.
I’m a grown up — really I am. Perhaps just a slacker grown-up?
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