Some Pretty Things
I do a lot — way too much — browsing on this here internet. Check them out.
Love Birds is a cute Etsy shop. Affordable pillows and art.
Chris Roberts-Antieau is the artist that I always look forward to the most at the St. Louis Art Fair. Her art has humor, whimsy and an intersting perspective on human relations. Check out her giant works of art. The one with Andy Kaufmann is hilarious. Keep in mind that all of her works are done with fabric and thread. Yep. Amazing.
Lorena Barrezueta makes some interesting pottery with some absolutely beautiful color options. She has an Etsy shop here.
These quilts are inspiring to me. Perhaps I’ll use them as a model for something to make someday when (if I ever) have the spare time. Denyse Schmidt also has some beautiful fabric designs.
And, while I’m on the subject of fabric, Joel Dewberry has some beautiful designs. I particularly like his Aviary group. I also love Etsuko Furuya’s fabrics.
Time for me to go put the young-uns to bed. The greatness of falling back, time-wise, is really not so great when there are tired children around who, for some reason, didn’t get the time change memo and woke up at the crack of dawn as usual.