First day of school, whew. You just never know, do you, on the first day of school. Sort of feels like standing on the edge of a forest to me…..don’t know what is in it. How will the trip through it go? What will you learn along the way? My anxiety about it all is just doubled or tripled when it comes to my first son. Could he go to the bathroom at school and not come back for half an hour? Quite possible. Will he ask his new teacher if she is an old woman? Maybe. I hope that all is well……
First day of school, whew. You just never know, do you, on the first day of school. Sort of feels like standing on the edge of a forest to me…..don’t know what is in it. How will the trip through it go? What will you learn along the way? My anxiety about it all is just doubled or tripled when it comes to my first son. Could he go to the bathroom at school and not come back for half an hour? Quite possible. Will he ask his new teacher if she is an old woman? Maybe. I hope that all is well……
August 22, 2005 | 2 Comments
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