annie blog




The weather forecast has this old girl a little bit apprehensive tonight. I don’t mind snow days. I do mind losing power. Not for the normal freezing reasons, initially, but because some people that I live with get DISTRESSED by power outage. The distress magically ends when power returns.


When contemplating things on the horizon I find myself wanting to cook something. And, I know a coping mechanism when I see one. Frying chicken won’t really do anything to help, except for my mental health, you know.

My mantra: When in doubt, fry chicken.

Anyway, speaking of cooking, the Minimalist, Mark Bittman, has his last column in the New York Times this week. He’s listed his 25 top recipes and I really think that y’all ought to go take a gander at it. This is a great list from a cook who stir fried chicken using ketchup. He launched all the no-knead bread craziness that engulfed the foodie portion of the internet a few years ago. He does innovative things that normal cooks with normal kitchens can do. So, get on over there and see if something looks good to you.

I’ve got to go cook something.
Y’all take care!

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