annie blog

What Accent?


What Accent?
I began this school year driving carpool in the mornings. It was no big thing, I didn’t mind doing it. Along with my four boys (only 2 of whom were being delivered to school) I was also driving a little brother/sister pair that we know from church. I think that they are in 3rd and 1st grade, respectively. But, after a few weeks, Jon said that he’d like to drive carpool in the morning and so I let him.

Really, who would turn down the fun of being able to continue to wear pjs and drink an extra cup of coffee? Not me.

One day a week or so ago, my #2 son said that, as he was riding home with the brother and sister, their mom said that they had been missing me driving them to school in the morning.

What? I don’t remember being particularly entertaining or anything like that. So I was wondering to myself what they were missing, exactly, except possibly that I let them listen to Kung Fu Fighting everyday on the way there.

It all became clear when #2 questioned them….

#2: So you miss my mom?

Little boy: uh-huh.

Little girl (enthusiastically, 2 octaves up): Oh, yeah. She talks like a COW-boy!!!!

What a hoot! I love it. Cowboy…Southerner… know.


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