annie blog

Feeling Librated


This is silly, I know, but I’m feeling sort of liberated this week.

Why? Because I cleaned out my closet.

Now, I know what I actually have. And what is that?

Three, I repeat, three pairs of pink chinos.

Also, many brown skirts, a cool denim strapless dress, and a sweater dress that I’m going to wear soon because I finally realized that I already own a shirt that is going to look awesome with it.

I hope you’re having a happy Friday!

On this Friday, I am making lasagna, and just being very happy that we have an entire week off of school.

A whole week, hallelujah!

On very happy Fridays such as this one, I think some raucous sort of messy music is just the ticket.

Like, this one calledmarigold.

I really have no idea what this song is about, but it’s nice to groove to at the end of a Friday.

Have a good one!

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