annie blog

Coconut Yumminess


Usually, I prefer a plain, full fat, Greek yogurt. It’s just so versatile, you know. Lately, we’ve been eating it with a breakfast apple crisp that I’ve been making with all of the apples we’ve recently been given. Also, we love to have it with granola. Frankly, I wish that it came in bigger containers.

So, eating yogurt with any sugar or flavored isn’t something I usually do. But, I had a coupon, and I was on my own for lunch, and I wanted to sit down and finish my book instead of cooking. So, I triedthis yogurt, and found myself eating it slowly, with my eyes closed. Yes. It’s that good.

It was wonderful, y’all. Just the right amount of sweetness with lots of coconut chunks. So dreamy…now all I need is some rum and a beach and I’d be all set.

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