annie blog

A Couple of Years Ago


A Couple of Years Ago

I drove to a local restaurant. Being directionally challenged, I took the wrong street. It didn’t matter, and I knew where the street came out, so I just kept driving.

I live in a pretty town, and so I always like looking and driving, anyway, but I was surprised to drive right past the high school. “Ah, so there it is,” I thought to myself, “I guess that J will go there in 3 years.”

And then I basically freaked out and nearly ran off the road.

Sending my J out into the world requires something on my part……daring?, nerves?, faith?????

So, tonight I’m touring that place with him. I’m not freaked out YET, but, all in good time, you know.

It still seems crazy to me that my son is old enough for high school — even though his 11 1/2 shoe size and stature are starting to scream otherwise.

Okay, I think that the freak out is creeping up on me now.


Happy Wednesday, y’all!

***Addendum: Turns out, we were tired, exponentially kind of, and skipped the tour. It would just be noise for J, anyway, and I know he’ll have to see it later in a quieter setting for it to make sense to him. I just heard him exclaim (to himself, in the mirror while in the bathroom brushing his teeth), “WHY on EARTH do I have to be in high school, ANYWAY?”

Looks like we have some ‘splaining to do.

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