annie blog

September 20, 2013
by annie

17 Years

Allow me to set the scene. In a hospital, a hugely pregnant gal is getting an ultrasound after being in labor for many hours. Everything looks fine. The tired daddy-to-be says to the doctor, “Hey, while we’re looking, why don’t … Continue reading

September 15, 2013
by annie

Exulting in Monotony

“Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, “Do it again”; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up … Continue reading

September 14, 2013
by annie

Yadier and Johnny

I don’t know how it happened, y’all, but sometime in my thirties I became a sports fan. So, of course, I love the Cardinals. I particularly like this advertisement featuring one of my favorites, Yadier. Go Cards!!! Molina is fierce. … Continue reading