annie blog

April 11, 2014
by annie

Live Music

I’m pretty excited that this guy is singing (for free, yay) tomorrow night here, in Starkville. Click here to hear Eric Hutchinson sing “Tell the World”. It’s a good song for this Friday.

March 5, 2014
by annie
1 Comment

I Want To Live In A Barn

This one,on the edge of a loch on Scotland, would suit me fine. I wonder if you can be spoiled by too much beauty. If so, the owners if that barn are done for. Happy Wednesday, y’all!

March 4, 2014
by annie

King cake!

Well, happy FatTuesday everybody! Today, I’m super excited to share with you all what is the final recipe for king cake that I ever plan on making. Why? Because it is the best. Also, bonus!, is the fact that this … Continue reading